Note: Paintings throughout the site were created by my dear friend and extraordinary artist, Margaret Garrett.

About CI
From founder, Josh Pais.
Every once in a while it’s important to take a look at how we create, and why.
It’s key to see if we’re stuck in comfortable patterns that don’t challenge us to do our best work.
Similarly, it’s important to look at what has influenced us – and if those influences are optimal and current.
Here’s something I’ve taken a look at recently…
My initial actor training was based on the work of the Russian innovator, Constantin Stanislavski. Dude was born in 1863.
1863!!! (154 years ago).

Since then what has happened to actor training?
Stanislavsky’s work was brought to the United States by such master teachers as Lee Strasberg, Sandy Meisner & Stella Adler.
No doubt…These brilliant people innovated actor training FOR THEIR ERA.
Their era:
Strasberg born in 1901
Meisner born in 1905
Adler born in 1901
Currently 95% of all actor training in the US is still influenced by these three masters.
I most humbly give respect where it’s due. I do.
However… it is now 2024.
We have to recognize that we are in a completely NEW ERA.
Relying on the modalities of another era is irresponsible and lazy.
Audiences are not engaged by the old ways. NOTE: even if you’re not an actor – you have an audience.
The old ways no longer engage the audience of today. This means - booking jobs, public speaking, pitching your product must be done in a way that is concurrent with what people respond to today.
With our cultural addiction to small screens and devices – we actors, artists, and entrepreneurs, MUST ENGAGE AND CREATE from our IMPULSES.
Impulses are the ultimate form of truth. Impulses are the access way, or spark, to creating from spontaneity, presence and truth.
And we must be very clear that people today are hungry for truth. We humans are constantly assessing all information to see if it is truthful.
Therefore, we must create from OUR TRUTH – not an imaginary truth – and not from emotional truths of the past. The days of pre-set work is over. No one wants to see what you came up with in front of the mirror yesterday. That’s like selling old bread.
Committed Impulse trains actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and anyone brave enough to walk in the door - to create from their TRUTH.
To be blunt:
Creating from truth = cash money.
Creating from truth = booking jobs.

I now have an amazing new level of ease and joy presenting to rooms with high-profile TV execs…
In spite of doing numerous speaking engagements and on-camera appearances, I’ve always felt frozen inside when I’m the center of attention; unsure how to melt that Titanic fear of, “They’re all watching you (insert maniacal laugh).” Within one hour of coaching with Josh dissolved that phobia. Incredible! Josh walked me through my worst fears and helped me transform my approach to entering a room and being present. Turns out, I don’t have to divorce myself from the fear, I can simply let it be. I learned how to walk into the room and own it.
My Committed Impulse session helped me bring out the best parts of myself with high-profile TV execs. I have an amazing new level of ease and joy presenting to rooms of people. Since that session, my work with Committed Impulse has been yielding nonstop results. I’m so comfortable on-camera now that a brief appearance on a local morning show in Seattle turned into an offer for a monthly spot.
- Tali Edut (The AstroTwins, Astrostyle.com, Entrepreneur)
CI was initially developed as a cutting edge approach solely for actors who want a way of working that generates steady employment. The approach is a comprehensive acting technique, that has launched and accelerated thousands of actor’s careers. The approach involves converting your intellectual ideas of a script into spontaneous behavior to tell the story. This work requires commitment, and paradoxically is effortless.
The work becomes effortless when we learn how to make CI choices that turn us on creatively.
Recently CI has also become the “secret weapon” for leading entrepreneurs, speakers and other creative professionals around the world.
We always have at least 25% non-actors in class. It’s an awesome mix. A melting pot of like-minded creators committed to accessing their excellence. This mix creates optimum learning.

Committed Impulse is a rigorous and enlivening approach to performance.
What happens in class?
First off, each class is different and unique – so, always expect the unexpected.
But here’s a rundown of what may happen…
Each class has some kind of physical warm up. Often it is The Series, which is a state of the art physical training that pulls you out of the gunk of your mind and into your body and the present moment. FYI, there is a complete video training of The Series and more in the CI Online Training Program.
Often after the warm up ( which anyone, at any age, with any body, can do), you’re going to dive into an exercise with the other participants that trains your nervous system to create spontaneously while instilling the theme, or area of exploration, of that particular class.
Most people train in CI, then go do movies, TV shows, theatre, public speaking, work with clients, etc. and then return to dig in deeper. The more you train, the more the work is consistently accessible. Plus the sense of being a part of a creative community is highly nourishing.
CI is a community of creators that are committed to turning pro in every area of their business and creative lives.
Common themes for class:
How to create a character.
This involves learning and training in the 20+ Inner Atomics. Inner Atomics are tools created by Josh Pais and are unique to CI. These tools open your imagination and new ways of seeing - literally. By altering the energetic patterns of the body, the imagination gets triggered and spontaneous behavior emerges. It’s damn fun.
Scene and Monologue work.
This area of the work initially delves into training to create from your truth. Next we look at how to uncover the underbelly of the scene. The underbelly of the scene reveals the energetic battle occurring between the characters. Ultimately you are going to learn how to convert your intellectual ideas of a scene into spontaneous organic behavior. This is great training for public speakers and business owners as well.
Implementing the four access points to presence. This will teach you how to overcome problems that arise from anxiety, fear, tension, worry, panic, stage fright, shaking hands, and a racing heart.
Embodying the art of spontaneity. Training to get out of your head - and into your body - and let the magic unfold.
Releasing Body Armor, chronic tension, and pain. A revolutionary approach to releasing the locked areas of the body - that does not involve trying to relax.
Career acceleration.
Depending on the course, there will be a business component. This includes regular check-ins and hot seats with guidance to make Actionable Steps designed to achieve your career goals.
Come train, get out into the world, make lots of money,
and do what you’re meant to do.
Common side effects of CI: Life becomes easier and more fun. Participants book jobs while classes are in session. Public speakers have a blast while making an impact on the world. A profound reduction in stress and pain. Personal and business relationships become easier.