The Foundational Cornerstone
of Committed Impulse.
It’s just two words… and it’s unique to Committed Impulse training.
I’m Back.
Saying, I’m Back™ is the key to enhancing your presence.
Presence is what makes the difference between being a working actor or a struggling actor or a star. Have no doubt, presence is also the quintessential tool for ascending entrepreneurs and thriving artists. And it is something that can be easily developed.
I’m Back is THE ESSENTIAL tool you need to infuse presence into everything you do.
Same Thought Different Day
Dr. Deepak Chopra quotes a study that showed that the average person has approximately 65,000 thoughts per day. And of those 65,000 thoughts, 95% of them are exactly the same thoughts that passed through the minds of those same people the day before.
Translation: We all have loads of thoughts and, for the most part, they are the same thoughts we had yesterday and the day before that, and so on. Sound familiar?
But wait - it gets worse.
Have you noticed that the vast majority of your thoughts only create obstacles to your creativity? We’re referring to those cyclical and usually self-critical/abusive thoughts that spin around between your ears.
You know - the thoughts that tell you, “They’re better than me... I’m too old... Not ready... I’m a hack... I don’t really know what I’m doing… I don’t have the right look.” The bottom-line message of all this INACCURATE crap usually boils down to, “I suck”.
There is a way out of the matrix of your mind.
It’s called, I’m Back.
Here’s the game…
Anytime you’re aware that your mind is hooking you, either by pulling you into the past or the future or by turning on the abusive judgment chatterbox - your job is to say, I’m Back.
That’s step one.
Let's give it a shot.
No one is looking. Go ahead… say it out loud.
Yup - really do it.
I’m Back.
Here’s Step Two:
Connect to your immediate environment - look around and really see what is in front of you.
Go ahead, do that now.
Step Three:
Take a nice deep breath.
Step Four:
Connect to the sensations in your body. What do you feel right now?
Anytime you’re in the midst of creating, presenting, acting on-set or auditioning, and your mind starts creeping in telling you, “I'm not doing it right and THEY don’t like what I'm doing,” just say, I’m Back.
If you’re worrying, contemplating, questioning, agonizing, use, I’m Back.
And if you’re having a profoundly intellectual discussion with yourself about whether or not your mind hooked you, you know what to do, I’m Back.
Then repeat steps 2, 3, and 4.
Simply: I’m back - I see - take a breath - I feel.
Rinse and repeat as needed.
How This Works in Committed Impulse Classes
During Committed Impulse classes and workshops, anytime a participant realizes that they’ve checked out from the current moment they say, I’m Back out loud. In the first few classes of a session, it’s like popcorn popping, the amount of I’m Backs that are heard. But as people continue to use this powerful tool - they become more and more present.
Our mission in Committed Impulse is to create from exactly where we are because in the era we are now living in - truth and presence is the key to success.
Have questions? Reach out to us at info@committedimpulse.com.
Join us in an upcoming class and experience the power of saying, I'm Back™.