Avoid Committed Impulse unless you can handle fun and success.

I’ve discovered a set of tools that has allowed me to be a steadily working actor for the past 25 years. And, the fact that my acting career keeps getting better is solely the result of using Committed Impulse. These same tools work for anyone who creates: entrepreneurs, artists, writers and yes, you.
Committed Impulse is the preeminent Actor Training for professional Actors, public speakers, and those seeking an added blast to their career and life. This approach is designed to bring spontaneity in the form of truth + impulse to your work. Have no doubt, spontaneity is the most valuable commodity to keep your audience on the edge of their seat. If this is what you want, you are in the right place.
Not only does Committed Impulse lead you to being a brilliant fucking actor, an engaging public speaker, and open your creative channels, CI trains you to be Creatively Invincible.
What is Creative Invincibility?
No matter what you’re feeling (nervous, calm, fearful), and no matter what is going on in your head (any form of “I’m not good enough.”) going forward you are going to do your absolute best work - regardless of the high stakes situation.
While initially created for actors who want to work consistently, CI has also become the “secret weapon” for leading entrepreneurs, speakers and creative professionals who want to have a heart connection with their audience. This connection is an essential element for business today.