Committed Impulse Online Training Program
I discovered a set of tools that has allowed me to be a steadily working actor for the past 25 years. And, the fact that my acting career keeps getting better is solely the result of using the tools in this program.
Look, when we put our ass on the line, whether it be in an audition, public speaking, sending out a webinar, going on a date, or asking for a raise, we are often faced with rushes of nervousness, fear, and anxiety. Have you noticed that these sensations are usually followed by a set of thoughts? Thoughts like, “You’re not ready, you’re not good enough, it’s too late, you’re a fraud.”
This may be surprising but this happens to everyone. Even the most successful people on the planet get nervous and have self-debilitating thoughts.
Don’t think you have it worse than anyone else. And, just so you know, it doesn’t mean you’re not ready or unprofessional. It just means you are ready for a new set of tools.
Being creatively invincible means that no matter what the situation, and no matter how you’re feeling, no matter what you’re thinking, no matter how much you’re second guessing yourself and filled with self doubt, you are going to be able to complete the task at hand with brilliance and excellence.

"Why not have the satisfaction of creating from the pure artistry that is already within you?" - Josh Pais
This quote says it all. Committed Impulse Online Program is a spectacularly inspiring course for all stripes of guided me on an interactive journey towards trusting in uncertainty and the unknown as a means to unlocking my creative truth.
- LYNN SHELTON, Director
(Glow, Shameless, Master of None, Touchy Feely)
We love you, lynn
What a naturally brilliant teacher Josh Pais is. It’s both a delight and inspiration to listen to any teacher who has learned through experience, which he’s had, along with the great teachers of yore.

It takes practice to remain present and awake when working in film and television, and Josh’s tools for this are both fun and excellent.
This online interactive class, and dare I say, experiential journey, is a nice reminder that we must never stop being students.
People in our culture think that if you achieve success, you’ve captured some golden ring, and then you’re not scared anymore.
But if you don’t remain a student in this life, and honor all that “not knowing” brings, and the “committed impulse” to listen to and follow, then you miss the rollercoaster ride to fulfillment and perspective.

Josh Pais is not only an incredibly talented, generous and present screen partner, he is the kind of actor that reminds you of why you do this job.
Committed Impulse gives you access to the heart and mind of a true artist, someone who strives for truth and honesty, the core of what this crazy acting thing is. What a wonderful gift that this is now available for so many, as a guide and as a tool to connect to the actor in you and the human in you.
- Elliot Page

Look, the planet needs what you have to offer. Your audience, whether you’re an actor or public speaker, is craving your truth, your ideas, your passions and your creativity.
Committed Impulse has already unleashed the creative potential of thousands of people. Are you next?

I hadn’t worked with the online program in a month or so, but I jumped back in last week.
Get this, I was called in for a costar on Criminal Minds the day after restarting CI online.
When I first walked into the room I was very nervous, it was my first TV audition in front of producers and the director, but the nervousness turned into excitement and I let it power the scenes.
Producer: "That was very impressive"
CD: "That was a REALLY good read"
They call me an hour later and say: "You hit it out of the park" and hired.
This is my FIRST TV credit.
- Douglas Olson (Criminal Minds, Scandal, NCIS, Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders)

Holy wow, I am loving having you in my pocket everyday!
I listen to the CI Online course before auditions. I prep with the stream of consciousness exercise in the Program, and then when I get to the room I throw away the prep, play, and take a ride! I cannot say enough (obviously!) about how grateful I am for this program.
It’s taught me to commit to what is happening NOW. Really tough comedic script for tomorrow but it will keep me present and I will have you in my ear.
- Hilary Greer (The Village, The Neighborhood)
The Committed Impulse Online Program has helped me SO much it’s hard to know where to start. It’s been a godsend.
After starting CI, I promptly booked 3 out of my next 4 auditions. The program reminds me to stay present each day, and to go for what I want even when my mind is filling me with self doubt.
Plus the Online Program just helped me finish my first 5k race and take 6 minutes off my time! I also was able to run the entire race, not once did I feel I had to walk, and that was in part thanks to the lessons in Module 2.
It's hard to describe how it’s changed my perspective, but the CI Online Program really does help make things possible where I didn’t think they were before.
- Mary Beth Eversole (Actress, Supreme Justice, The Tree House)

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(Available for a limited time)

Just worked on a monologue using the Stream of Consciousness exercise in the CI Online Program. I'm still amazed at the results this work produces. How is this possible?!
It's such the antithesis of everything I was taught.
- John Reoli (Actor)
I wanted to tell you that I have been committed to “Committed Impulse” and doing the exercises in the online program with great interest. It is wonderful and helping me a lot.
For eons sages and learned people have been talking about being in the present, however you never knew how to get there. Committed Impulse is a tangible way to achieve that and most importantly you can have a measure of how you are progressing in the journey. My sincere thanks to you for developing the methodology and supporting and encouraging every aspirant to be successful. Whenever I get into one of those self inflicting moods, all I have to do is turn on one of the recordings and follow the simple technique and I am off to a new beginning. I have no doubt I will have great success in my life..
- Raj Gururaja (Global Healthcare Executive)
Josh Pais, the founder of Committed Impulse has developed and refined this work over several decades of teaching. It’s fun, empowering, unique and it works.
P.S. If you’re wondering at all whether or not it’s worth the investment, please take a look at our Success Stories. These are real people just like you who are booking work consistently (yes, in this economy).
And if you’re still doubtful, ask yourself:
What if just one Committed Impulse tool helped you book work more consistently? How much is that worth to you?
$5,000? $10,000? $100K or more over the course of a few jobs?
What if just one Committed Impulse insight allowed you to eliminate the self-doubt and second-guessing that kills your performances and your career satisfaction?
Honestly, that kind of confidence is priceless.
If you’re truly committed to your career and being a master of your craft this program is for you.
Our Refund Policy: We want you to win. If after completing this program you haven’t received tremendous benefit, we will issue you a full refund within 30 days of purchase. No refunds after thirty days. All that we ask is this... You approach this program as a professional. You commit fully and don’t give up on yourself as you go through the program. A refund will only be issued after you send us either a scan or a printed copy of your completed PDF Action Challenges within thirty days of purchase. Why? We want you to do the full Program.
The planet needs you. We want you to achieve your full potential and we believe in our hearts that this course is going to get you there.