1.) I agree to inform Josh Pais and Team CI about all injuries and/or medical conditions that may be affected by strenuous physical activity
2.) I have awareness that the activities, body movements and exercises involved in the Committed Impulse class are physical in nature. I will be responsible for my own safety and will exercise due caution. In consideration of and as part of my payment for the right to participate in Committed Impulse I, the undersigned, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns do hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, ACQUIT, DISCHARGE, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, HOLD HARMLESS AND FOREVER DISCHARGE Josh Pais, Josh Pais Inc., Committed Impulse and its subsidiaries, principals, directors, employees, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns and any of the training instructors, guides, staff or students taking part in the training in any way as well as the venue where the classes are being held and any of its owners, executives, agents, or staff OF AND FROM ALL ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, CONTRACTS, CLAIMS, SUITS, COSTS, DEMANDS AND DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE OR KIND IN LAW OR IN EQUITY arising from my participation in Committed Impulse class or workshop.
3.) I am fully responsible for any and all decisions I make in conjunction with Committed Impulse. I agree I will use my own free will and discretion, considering my physical and mental health, when deciding if it is appropriate for me to participate in any activity.
4.) I understand that the materials and teachings presented in Committed Impulse are proprietary, copyrighted and cannot be copied, recorded, or replicated and are not for resale. Legal steps will be taken if the proprietary material taught in Committed Impulse is replicated, taught, or infringed upon in any way.
5.) I agree not to teach others any of the activities or materials conducted or presented at the Committed Impulse Class or workshop I attend, or to copy, record, resell or create other materials of any kind that are derivative of the materials, content or curriculum presented and/or distributed at the Committed Impulse Class. I also agree not to record any portion of this class by means of audio or video equipment.
6.) By signing this you consent to portions of the course being recorded. You give us permission to use recordings from class for any upcoming documentaries, promotions, website content or Committed Impulse training videos. Similarly, you give consent for the content of this course to be described in any printed articles or books to illuminate the Committed Impulse Approach. Committed Impulse and Josh Pais, Inc. will have use and ownership of these images in perpetuity. If you choose to do a testimonial in writing or on video, signing below allows us to use this testimonial to inform others about Committed Impulse and your successes.
I indicate by my signature below that I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire release and waiver document and acknowledge that I have understood it, and agree to be bound by its terms. No representations, statements or inducements, oral or written, apart from the foregoing written statement, have been made.
7.) I understand that this course is sold out and has a waiting list and that there is no refund or partial refund if for any reason I cannot attend the full course.
8.) I will be on time. I understand that there is a zero lateness policy, even though we are in a digital classroom – lateness has an impact. Be early so you won’t be late.