When I went in for my callback for The Joker with director Todd Phillips my energy was buzzing. It was pretty intense. I really wanted the job.
This is exactly the kind of high-stakes situation that could cause me to check out mentally and crash and burn.
Before I started doing this one thing, that I’m going to show you, below, there were many auditions where I walked into the room and didn’t even see who I was talking to. I couldn’t have told you what color the walls were – or anything. Barely felt like I was even there.
Today we’re sharing a clip from a (pre-pandemic) Committed Impulse class where I lead some actors, artists, and entrepreneurs through an exercise to connect them to the room in a way that grounds them in presence.
It’s a practice I used at that callback for The Joker, and it made all the difference.
I remember that callback so clearly.
I drove out to Steiner Studios. Ran into my friend, Juan, in the lobby downstairs. He was working on production for another show. Initially, I thought ‘stay focused’ but I let that go and, because I arrived early, chatted with Juan for a couple of minutes. Connecting with my friend pulled me into the moment and naturally connected me to my breath. I was setting up my nervous system to be connected with whatever was in front of me. This is key.
Then I got in the silver elevator. Got out on the 3rd floor. There was a woman sitting at the front desk, she greeted me with a smile, I noticed a window behind her and outside the window the sky was greyish. I was the only other actor there. The waiting area had cement floors and movie posters hung up on the wall.
It was cold and I was sitting on a metal and leather chair.
After taking it all in, I popped into the callback and HAD SO MUCH FUN with Todd Phillips.
Take away:
We must – must – stay connected to our immediate environment in order to open the creative channel.
And here’s an exercise to train YOU to do just that.
I suggest trying this exercise along with these fine people in the video. Notice how much it settles your nervous system. It takes you out of flight or fight – so that even if you’re nervous you can still create with it.
This simple practice can make the difference in booking the job.
That’s what I want for you!
Sure, most auditions are still on zoom, however, this same exercise will pull you into the present moment even on zoom.
Take a look at how present people become when they do this exercise.
What did you notice when you tried it?
Let us know below.
You’re such a rock star!!
Call me a starry-eyed fangirl but I always love behind the scenes stories 😀
Well, there ya go, then, Paivi.
Have a great day.
Hay quien dice que ángeles y demonios nos acompañan, de modo que, además de la habitación, puedes hacerte consiente de ellos, y de que Dio-s está en tu interior, y que su consciencia es la que utilizamos, y que el cuerpo es algo a dominar.