Creating a character isn’t about how you look.
It’s about how you see.
And how you see is impacted by your energetic state.
And you can learn to shift your energetic state to create spontaneous organic behavior.
This week we’ve got a special mini acting lesson for you, about how to create a character from the inside out.
OK, here’s a little exercise:
1. Think of someone you know.
2. Don’t name names but what kind of energy do they have in their body?
3. How does that energy affect how they relate in the world?
Starting to see how the energy in other people’s bodies generates behavior is the first step in learning how to alter the energy in your body to create a character.
Plus it’ll be fun for us to read.
Leave your observation in the comments below.
– Josh
Incredible. Love your work Josh, thank you.
Thank YOU Katherine.
I appreciate that.
I was doing a long social distanced walk end of May, same one I’d been doing for 10 weeks. Bored and disconnected from present moment. Decided to have fun with it by walking as characters who have presence. I chose the Mandalorian (Mask and sunglasses on made it easy to step into the character)
My headspace and physicality shifted to deeply present and aware. The people I walked past picked up on the calm and capable presence. It was a palpable, and it showed me how much people want and need to feel safe right now.
What a great experiment, Robert.
It’s so interesting how making subtle or large shifts in our body alters everything.
Keep on playing!