The power of being present is something I learned most about in CI and something I try to invoke in every job I do.
It was in Josh’s class that I first experienced what it was like to be completely unselfconscious. Almost a version of enlightenment. And I didn’t have to go to a monastery to find it – just to Committed Impulse. When I stepped on stage, Josh created a safe environment where I could fully trust myself and allow all of my instincts to flourish and to be fully realized. He is like a conductor: fully aware of all the instruments, the strings, the bows; and he guides you along and helps allow you to play every note. The power of being present is something I learned most about in CI and something I try to invoke in every job I do.
– Simon Helberg (Big Bang Theory, A Serious Man, Evan Almighty)
It’s changed everything for me on set

Committed Impulse is a modern, practical and sensitive process for actors.
It is especially beneficial to those of us who are prone to self censorship and doubt because Josh speaks so well to the over-thinker and neurotic in us all.
– Jesse Eisenberg

Ultimately, the experience gave me confidence.
Committed Impulse made a true difference for me. Participating in the experience has since allowed me to consistently be more present, ignited my spontaneity (something that had been hidden deep down!), and has helped me tap into a power I was not even aware was inside me. I was able to get in touch with my body in a new way, which in turn broke down mental barriers for me. Ultimately, the experience gave me confidence. I highly recommend this experience for fellow creative professionals who want to dig deeper and break new ground in both their creative and professional lives.
– Amy Porterfield, Entrepreneur & Online Marketing Expert
The Best Class I’ve Ever Taken
- Bryan Greenberg
(How To Make It In America, Friends With Benefits, Bride Wars, Prime)

It seems like … your amazing discoveries… could only have come from the son of a physicist who loved performing.
Josh, you know this, but your work is such a valuable service. I felt so lucky to share the room with you and the rest of the class. You’ve made amazing discoveries about how the mind and body work together and, too often, apart. It seems like they could only have come from the son of a physicist who loved performing. Thank you for all of the introspection, study and thought and just doing that went into creating Committed Impulse. I’m so grateful to have experienced it.
– Maria Dizzia, Actress (Orange Is The New Black, Louie, The Newsroom, The Good Wife, Martha Marcy May Marlene)

"… I got an audition for the lead in an independent feature film … throughout the arduous audition process … I said ‘I’m back’ and I was. It was fun. And I got the part."
Before I met Josh and took Committed Impulse my main goal at auditions was not to feel nervous. I’d work hard to suppress my nerves or distract myself so I could feel “relaxed” enough to act. Josh, however, encouraged me to welcome or “party” with whatever feelings came up at auditions. This was a revelation.
I’ve started to have more fun and not judge myself by whether or not uncomfortable feelings arise. By allowing those nervous feelings and not suppressing or labeling anything as a “bad” emotion, I’ve begun to feel more open and free in the room.
Then about week after CI class ended, I got an audition for the lead in an independent feature film—it was the type of project I’d love to see as a viewer so I was very excited for the opportunity. Throughout the arduous audition process; several pre-reads, callbacks and chemistry reads, getting notes from the director and ultimately reading for the producers, I welcomed and partied with my nerves and other uncomfortable feelings in a way that would make my fraternity brothers jealous. And then I said “I’m back” and I was. It was fun. And I got the part.
– Toby Meuli (The Social Network, A Chance of Rain)

"After My VERY FIRST Class, I Was Flown Out to LA to Test for the Network."
When I decided I wanted to pursue an acting career seriously, Committed Impulse was the first step I took in hopes of preparing myself for the career change. Only days after my VERY FIRST class, I was flown out to LA to test for the network of the new Gossip Girl spinoff show. After the SECOND class I booked a role on the series FRINGE.
Josh enables actors to view acting in a different light, I was taught how to turn away from my thoughts and be absolutely in tune with what is happening within and around me in the present moment.
You learn how to tell the truth in the most raw forms. The Committed Impulse technique is something every person can incorporate into every aspect of their lives, not only their acting aspirations, and transform the way they view the world.
– Ashley Hinshaw, Model, Actress, NYC
(Chronicle, Cherry, Gossip Girl, Fringe)

"The Magic Of Committed Impulse Is That The Teachings Are Simple, Yet The Results Are Profound"
I just finished taking the Committed Impulse Master Class and had a major breakthrough in our final session. Much like a skilled surgeon with his scalpel, Josh has an amazing ability to target the very nucleus where you are most blocked and carve out that fear in order to set you free. Through his intuitive technique he is able to guide you past your barriers so that you can surf on the artist’s coveted threshold of spontaneity.
My resistance was hard and heavy and just when I was ready to give up, something broke open. I went for it. I played. I didn’t know what would happen next. I didn’t care. I was spontaneous. I had fun. I felt free.
A week later I had an audition, it was the first audition where I consciously used the tools that Committed Impulse taught me. I booked the part. Give yourself the tools of Committed Impulse and feel the amazing boon in your work, your art, and your life.
– Elizabeth Elkins, Actress (Mercy, Army Wives)

"Finally, the network picked up my series regular option."
I was 20 minutes late for my session with the producers of a pilot. It was pouring rain and I was stuck in paralyzed, impenetrable traffic on the Triborough on the way to Silvercup East. I showed up to the studio dripping wet and freaked out of my mind. They were ready for me to read immediately.
Rather than try to center myself or get back to square one, I just walked in. I read the scenes like I felt – amped up, breathless. Then I left.
I hoped my approach hadn’t worked against me. Turns out, I was the only person in New York or Los Angeles who they screen tested for the role.
Later, I learned that in an initial casting session, the director leaned out into the waiting room and yelled to the actors, “Can someone just come in here and be a star, please?!” But I didn’t go in trying to be a star. I just made a choice to work with what I had going on.
Then, all this bullshit happened. The network wasn’t sure they wanted to commit to me. They let my series regular contract option run out and offered me the role as a guest star. I shot the pilot. I was listed as one of the stars on the call sheet, but I felt like I was still auditioning. All I could do was stay present and act my scenes like I felt. I let things change from take to take, based on what the other actors were giving me. I trusted my own work.
A few months went by. I still didn’t know if I had the role. The pilot was picked up to series, and still I had no contract – no idea whether I had a job. This was the hard part. Shooting was easy compared to the waiting. I had to stay present and attempt not to go absolutely bonkers.
Finally, the network picked up my series regular option – just a few weeks before shooting began. I screamed bloody murder and jumped up and down. Yet … it was the weirdest thing. I had been working towards this my whole life. But the process had been so enervating that now, as everybody congratulated me, I couldn’t feel it. It was so drawn-out and anticlimactic that I couldn’t feel the joy my friends and family felt for me.
This is where Committed Impulse has been most valuable. These days I’ve been reaching for my CI training to aid me in staying in the moment and experiencing the constant physical sensation of this insane, glorious experience. I want to enjoy this thing that I’ve always wanted – I want to be in it and feel it. What’s the point, otherwise?
– Max Jenkins (The Mysteries of Laura, Orange is the New Black, High Maintenance, 30 Rock)

"Nervousness became fuel and I felt myself just riding this amazing roller coaster… 2 days ago I found out I got the job."
The Character Workshop was liberating, exciting and fun. Right after the workshop I had an audition for a Costa Rican director that is coming to shoot a feature in the Dominican Republic. To my surprise, instead of sides, the audition consisted of a filmed interview, where the casting director asked me questions and I had to respond as the character. I felt right doing this because of the workshop!!! The sensations in my body where loud and awesome…nervousness became fuel and I felt myself just riding this amazing roller coaster. I had so much fun. 2 days ago I found out I got the job. Thank you for your journey and for sharing your growth and insights with us. It is a gift.
– Sarah Jorge, Actress (Al Sur de la Inocencia, Bestia de Cardo)

"Committed Impulse has given me the freedom to speak from exactly where I am at any given moment."
CI has given me the gift of being present with myself, with other actors, directors and creative teams, and even in every day life with friends and family and the world!
– Jennifer Ferrin, Actress, NY & LA
(Boardwalk Empire, The Cape, Royal Pains, The Good Wife, Nurse Jackie, As The World Turns)

"I had to give a presentation at work in front of my entire company (around 400 people)"
This Wednesday I had to give a presentation at work in front of my entire company (around 400 people). With the help of Committed Impulse, I was able to go up in front of all those people and confidently share my joy and passion without being scared. I can’t begin to say how much CI helped me and am so grateful to Josh for sharing your knowledge/passion/experiences.
I’ve received so many compliments on my presentation, and one colleague even sent me this note: “Andrea, your presentation today was FANTASTIC. You have such poise, polish and presence. How did you learn to do such a professional presentation? Really, it was everything–substantive, yet clear, organized, easy to understand and interesting, too.”
The CI workshop was such an incredible experience, and I can’t wait to take another course soon!
– Andrea Baty, Sustainability Coordinator (VF Sportswear, Inc.)

"That is the first time an agent has listened so intently to what I had to say"
After my weekend with the LA CI workshop, I discovered how much I was stopping my love for my acting from permeating into my everyday life. Once that became clear, I found I was able to articulate, simply and clearly, my authentic truth just as if I was forming a business deal that I’m super lit up about. I now have a meeting with an agent I’m really looking forward to working with. Here is what I said to him: “I’m excellent at playing these kinds of roles. I haven’t been auditioning for the last two years because I took a break to work on my craft and create my own work. I know what I’m capable of, and I’d like to start auditioning for roles that truly suit me. ” He scheduled a follow up meeting with me for next week. That is the first time an agent has listened so intently to what I had to say. I attribute that to my to my ability to speak from a place of such authentic confidence with ease. That is what I walked away with after my LA CI weekend. Thank you Josh and all my fellow CI friends! This is the real deal: moment-to-moment, showing up and feeling, with ease!
– Alexis Fedor, Actress (Gray Matters)