So, this past weekend Marie and I went to help her Grandmother move into assisted living.
It was a sweet and painful time.
Norma is doing fine. More than once she said to me, “If I was younger – oh, you’d be in trouble.” Then she’d wink at me and chuckle. Yea, I was flattered.
But I was struck by what some of the other people in the facility talked about.
I’ll use the example of a sweet woman – we’ll call her Sandy. She kept revealing to me things like, “Don’t say anything to that one, because they don’t like me.” Or, “You really can’t trust people anymore – like you used to.”
It made me think, on some level, I carry thoughts around like that too. Not exactly those thoughts. But, thoughts that don’t serve me, thoughts that prevent me from relishing in THIS MOMENT of my life.
What about you?
We have to remember that THIS MOMENT will never happen again.
The question then becomes… Are we going to miss it – by ruminating on repetitive thoughts – or are we going to relish in being alive?
Here’s a little game I’m suggesting for you, me, and the thousands of other people in the CI Community this weekend.
Let’s burn up those silly repetitive thoughts that we carry around by catching them as soon as they start and then saying, “I’m Back!” And then let’s return to whoever, and whatever, is directly in front of us. And let’s add to the game – seeing the people in our lives as if for the first time. That means giving them a clean slate. I think that’s a fun game. How about we all play?
Wishing you an inspired and beautiful, thought-free weekend.
I say hell to the YEAH to this!
LOVE THE ONE YOU’RE WITH (even — especially — if you’re by yourself — but hey don’t forget the kitty nearby, who lives for you).
Josh you become ever more beautiful as you get older. I feel so lucky to know you, BABE!
Thanks Kristin. Appreciate that!