You’re ready to make your move.
You’re all set to go.
Now for your opening line.
Hey hey hey… This is not what you think…
Let’s take a step back.
I’m not talking about your opening line to someone you want to meet.
I’m talking about the opening line YOU say to YOURSELF.
Here’s the deal…
When we put ourselves out into the world, whether it be a call back for a movie, or public speaking, or asking for a raise, chances are we’re gonna feel an increase in body sensations.
It’s just what happens.
Here’s how we get into trouble…
We try to stop feeling the intensity of the moment because we’ve been erroneously indoctrinated to believe that there are bad sensations (truth is sensations are just vibrations in your body – not good or bad).
And as soon as you try to decrease what you feel in your body – guess where your attention goes?
YOUR OPENING LINE: ya know, that statement that pops up in your head.
Any of these opening lines sound familiar?
-This isn’t going the right way.
-They don’t like what I am offering.
-See, I really am not talented at all
It’s always some version of “I SUCK.”
It is absolutely essential for your success to recognize what your opening line is.
Why is it so important?
Well, once you hear that clattery crap in your head you can use it as reminder to COME BACK to the present moment – and not sail off into drama land.
Unfortunately, your mind would love to pull you into the drama cave.
But you no go into cave. No, No. Cave is bad. Cave make you old.
Here’s the good news.
YOU HAVE CONTROL over whether you’re going use that opening line as a spring board for diving into a drama, or use it for good.
And remember…
You can either have drama
make money and create your art.
Here’s the game…
Welcome that opening line and use it as a reminder that you’ve left the sensations of your body, and decreased your breathing.
Here’s your new pattern
1.) Opening line. ( I Suck)
2.) Go into drama about opening statement because it’s obviously true.
3.) HOLD ON THERE BUDDY. DO NOT DO A #2!!!!! NOT HERE – no ya don’t. WHY? Because you don’t suck – that’s just your Opening Statement.
4.) Say, I’m Back. ( silently or out loud)
5.) Take a deep breath.
6.) See what’s around you.
7.) Feel the sensations in your body.
And, if we can stop trying to improve what we’re feeling – we’ll avoid going into the opening statement altogether.
So, what is your opening statement?
Write it below, and then describe the drama you are no longer going dive into.
Rock on!!!
Josh Pais
PS. Don’t waste your time trying to get a better opening statement – just come back to the present moment and all will be golden.
So, what’s your opening statement…?
My opening line: “What am I gonna do NOW?”
I’m back. *whew*