I’m back in LA after a great trip to Atlanta where we shot the pilot episode of the new HBO Max series, DMZ.
I can’t say much more about the show other than what is on IMDb.com which is… “A civil war breaks out in a futuristic America, and Manhattan becomes a demilitarized zone.” The script is phenomenal, written by Roberto Patino (who wrote 19 episodes of Westworld).
I want to tell you about working with the director of the pilot, Ava DuVernay.
I have been a fan of her work for many years – from SELMA to 13th to WHEN THEY SEE US.
Day One in Atlanta
I’m working with Ava’s team on a makeup/hair test (this is something that happens before filming begins – to co-create the look of the character). And every time they mentioned Ava’s name – I noticed I would get a little nervous. I knew I would be meeting this legendary director at some point in the day.
Then, the door opened and I felt a beam of goodness enter the space. Literally a beam of goodness. I turned around to see Ava walking towards me with arms extended. We had a big hug – and I instantly felt incredibly welcome, respected, at ease and included.
Cut to Day 2: On Set
Filming Begins. We start setting up the dynamics between my character, and Rosario Dawson’s character. Rosario, by the way, was also great to work with.
Here’s what I noticed…
Ava brought her warmth to everyone on set. She was present to everything around her. There were a lot of complex technical elements going on in the scenes we were shooting, and DuVernay remained open-hearted, focused, creative, and at the same time fully in charge in every moment.
Here’s my take away…
The more we keep our hearts and senses open – the more our creative channels will stay open – and the more power our work is going to have. And the more our careers can grow.
When we open ourselves up we also nurture those around us to do their best work, which in turn lifts all of us up.
To our Committed Impulse Community: let’s play big and lift each other up so we can all do our most creative work. I know you’re game for this.
Here are some people in our community who are doing just that right now…
Grasie Mercedes: recently signed with CAA and 3 arts. She’s a staff writer on NBC’s Perfect Harmony.
Zane Pais: Go see him in The Perplexed At Manhattan Theatre Club. (I’m a proud Papi.)
Danny Deferrari: is in the feature, Shive Baby, premiering soon at SXSW.
Auden Thornton: booked A series regular role on ABC’s new Thirtysomething(else).
YOUR TURN: Leave a comment below…
Let us know…
What steps, small or big, are you going to take this week to LIFT UP people in your creative or social circles? Remember, simply opening your heart and really connecting with people is a tremendous gift.
Let us know below…
“Figure out what you need to do to be the heroine of your own story.”
–Ava DuVernay
“There’s something very important about films about black women and girls being made by black women. It’s a different perspective. It is a reflection as opposed to an interpretation, and I think we get a lot of interpretations about the lives of women that are not coming from women.”
–Ava DuVernay