I have some potentially very bad news.
Brace yourself for this.
If you like to sit down before receiving bad news – then…
I’ll wait…
Before I get to the bad news, quick question.
Are you kinda excited to hear the bad news?
Titillated even?
Doesn’t your mind kinda want some bad news?
OK. Here it is.
There’s nothing wrong!
That’s it?
Don’t get mad at me.
Here’s what I’m getting at. I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed when I’m not involved in something that is actually in front of me – my mind starts to wander. And where does my little mind end up when a-wandering-it-goes?
Drum roll please…
“My life is so tragic. Everything sucks. Blah blah blah.”
Then, hopefully sooner than later, I notice where my mind has wandered. I come back from the bad news – and see what’s actually in front of me and discover that everything is really fine. Better than fine. Sure I have work to do, blog posts to write, lines to learn, bills to pay – but there is no inherent tragedy.
Tell me I’m not alone in this.
Does this ever happen to you?
I want to do a lil experiment. But I need your help.
Write your bad news crap below.
You know… like “I’m so fat. I’m so old, I’m so young, I’ll never make enough money, I’m stupid. Blah blah blah.”
And here is my hunch.
If we all do this, I’ll bet that we can’t come up with more than 15 different scenarios of bad news that our mind dwells in.
But let’s count things like “I’m fat and I’m ugly as sin” as one.
Same basic scenario: my appearance sucks.
I actually think it’s going to be empowering for all of us to see where our minds go – and how ridic it all is.
My hypothesis for this experiment is…
Pretty much we all have the same bad news crap spinning around – but most of us think it’s unique to us.
What if it’s just like a broken bad news tape loop that has very little to do with reality.
Let’s find out…
Be a lil silly and help me do this experiment.
Just possibly the conclusion we may come to is…
“Most of the bad news that’s going on – is just repetitive thought loops – and when I come back to what’s actually in front of me, there’s alot to be THANKFUL for.”
Dang, I even tied in Thanksgiving! Have a great one by the way!!
So, let’s start experimenting – what’s your bad news scenario?
And please – have fun writing down the nonsense of your mind.
Ready, Set – GO!!!
Nice one Joshie! So my “bad news” thought loop often goes something like:
I’m getting old.
I’m not working out enough.
I’m not as productive as I could be.
My brain is broken – I have ADD.
.-= Marie´s last blog ..My Rich Happy & Hot LIVE 2010 Report =-.
your brain is broken like the BIONIC WOman MArie!
Whatever is happening in that glorious brain..it is contagious
bad news scenario #1: Everyone I love is going to die and I am going to be left alone
bad news scenario #2: You really should do more to be a good mother (that is the inner voice talking to me right there), like feed these kids more veggie meals.. bla bla bla
.-= Pat´s last blog ..How to take control your email inbox! =-.
bad news scenario #1: I have no original, creative, witty bad news. My bad news sounds exactly like Marie’s and Pat’s…
bad news scenario #2: I lack confidence and am under qualified to follow my dreams…
Love this post josh! Your theory is right on – although it always feels like I’m the only one thinking these:
Why would any one care what I have to say?
No one is going to like me.
Why can’t I be more productive?
Why can’t I handle confrontations with calm like everyone else ?
As if everyone handles confrontations right! Yeah they do, it’s only me ….
I need to lose ten pounds.
Starting yesterday.
I neeeeeeed to lose twenty pounds.
In 3 months.
I can’t eat that
But its so delicious
I loooooooove my body.
And taking pleasure in food.
I need to lose ten pounds.
Gym. Gym. Gym.
Ok this was brilliant!
My loop says
~you thought you would be a patient mother?
~flat stomach…ever?
~how am I going to pay the bills?
~how many times are you going to move the furniture around again?
~i really don’t think they like me
~i feel trapped
That was hard to write because I’ve been so crazy happily not in my loop since RHHLive. (Ok, there was the one rant about how no one respects all that I do and draw all over the walls and dump out the pencil shavings on the floor.)
.-= Hannah Marcotti´s last blog ..To The Dads =-.
Oh, this post hit home a little too well. My life is really good and solid but every so often, my mind begins a really horrible dialogue that goes something like this: “Gee, I didn’t hear from my daughter yet today. I wonder what she is doing. She’s not like this to not call. I hope she’s okay. It’s actually kind of late. Chicago is a big, bad city. What if something happened to her? What if she is mugged and beaten, lying somewhere?” and then I begin to imagine all sorts of terrible things and getting super freaked out. And it doesn’t stop there. I send panicky texts and leave urgent messages. And then she calls and says “What the hell is wrong with you? I was at an art gallery tonight and I told you I would be.” And then I realize how the worry mindset really CREATED a drama out of NOTHING. So yeah….I do this. And it’s insane.
Thanks for your post!
i know this one..
If I am out for walk in my town and I see or hear ANY kind of emergency vehicle..it is all over. I may as well call 911 right then..
Ladybug ladybug..is my house on fire?
Family okay?
The urgent texting..the whole thing!
Okay, this is brilliant on many levels. I never thought a ‘bad news’ header would make me open it so quickly but boy! Marketing gold.
And I have had the thought lately: The only thing that’s wrong with me is that I think there is something wrong with me.
So here’s my inner loop:
#1 Old and fat.
#2 House is a mess (EVEN THOUGH IT’S NOT!), which makes me a bad person.
#3 1 + 2 = 3, I don’t deserve the good things in my life and therefore should not enjoy them. (that’s a great way to create abundance, right? no.)
#4 I am not productive enough
Jeez, wonder WHY? Thanks for this eye-opener. Hope you and Marie enjoy the holiday!
Here goes.
I’m not as far along as I should be in my career. I am ugly and fat (wow, does EVERYONE have that one?). I’m not making enough money and I’m not saving enough money. I’m too sensitive and I take things too seriously. I’ll never get to travel as much as I want. My tumors will keep coming back and it would be really inconvenient if I died now. I am a bad daughter/granddaughter because I sometimes don’t have time to call and I don’t visit enough (can’t visit enough) and a bad friend because I have no time. I don’t do enough!
Okay… that should do it for now. Thanks Josh, that feels surprisingly good.
Louise, honey… Just wanted to say that I love you and all of the above cannot be further from the truth!
Great Post Josh! I’ve been “I’m Backing” since leaving NYC 🙂 here’s some of my looping:
– I’m doing it all wrong….doesn’t seem to matter what the “it” is 🙂
– I should be further along by now
-how can I be a “chef” and not be “working” in a kitchen every day?- I’m a fraud
-I’m a failure
-I want to build an empire on food that Kris Carr says is terrible for everyone thus actually HURTING them
-I can’t spell
-I’m getting fat
-I should take better care of myself
Great stuff Josh! Happy Thanksgiving!
Hmmm, I’ve been trying so hard lately to stay positive, whatever will happen when I unleash the negativity?
What’s in my loop?
1. I’m not qualified to do anything.
2. Maybe I’m not as smart as I thought I was.
3. I need to lose 10 lbs, eat right and exercise.
4. How am I ever going to make enough money?
5. I’m never going to get to travel as much as I want to.
6. Am I capable of doing anything by myself?
7. Have I screwed up my children?
8. Am I as boring as I think I am?
9. Is something wrong with my brain?
10. Am I just lazy?
11. I have no original content.
Well, at least I didn’t make it to 15.
.-= Ann´s last blog ..I am having technical difficulties =-.
The mind is an awesome tool in skilled hands – and guaranteed suicide without a leash. Took me 15 years to learn that. Still learning.
My favourite loop?
Others have it better.
Why not me?
Woe betide me.
Whine Whine Whine.
Shut up and get out of here. I have work to do, fun to have, love to make, life to live.
Yo mind! Come back when you’re in check.
While I think I’m much better at finding the positive in each moment, I gotta admit there’s still a lot of personal schadenfreude washing over me the instant I let my guard down, or I feel challenged in some way.
1. I don’t have the talent they want.
2. I don’t have the money I need.
3. I don’t have the body I want (or they want).
4. This is too good to last.
5. This will never work.
6. It’s ALWAYS something…
But for now, in this moment, I’M BACK.
Peace and joy to all in the coming holiday season. I find counting my blessings is a good way to ward off the negative meanies.
Fun post Josh.
I’ve gotten a pretty good handle on keeping my mind from opening the bad news section but when it does happen it’s always the same loop.
I went too far and ruined it. Why didn’t I reign myself in more?
(Of course, why reign myself in at all?)
thanks, G.
.-= Giulietta Nardone´s last blog ..Show Yourself Some Compassion =-.
OK, Here are my top mind replays.
1.I’m too old to do all the things I want to do.(it’s funny I remember having this same thought when I turned 25)How weird!
2.I’m not pretty enough to have a relationship
3.can’t afford to do the things I really want
4.I will never find the “one”
5.My writing Sucks why am I even doing this
Happy Thanksgiving All!
I haven’t achieved enough – I’m 37 damn it! I’m a loser.
That’s mine… so best go focus on this moment…
1. older, fatter and less agile by the minute, no by the second.
2. write it already silly goose.
3. Hip hop? You?! Hahahahaha
4. Everyone already knows this stuff, what are you doing?
5. If you are so smart, why aren’t you rich and thin.. ( my favorite :)))) )
And yet the world goes on… 🙂 This will make me smile all day. Thx.
.-= Janice Cartier´s last blog ..Gracious Gifts =-.
I am recovering from shoulder surgery so my loop is engaged with the creation of real and imagined PILES
encroaching PILES
of things I cannot carry, sort, or rake
Laundry (folded by family with a combination of good intention & indifference)
NY Times
Oak leaves
The indoor stacks each harbor an item (or 2) I cannot find..
Creating a double helix..
My Bad News Bears:
1) I’m a shitty writer
2) I’m not good/thin/smart enough to be a health coach
3) I’m doomed to a life of mediocrity
4) I’ll never get out of debt
Good gawd now that it’s written down I feel like a total idiot – but in the sense that none of it is true. 🙂
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..Turn off your brain =-.
Here’s mine:
I am a bad person and the only way I can be a good person and deserve anything good in my life is to get everything done exactly the way it should be done.
I am a fraud and as soon as everyone figures it out, I’m over.
I am a bad mother and have ruined my daughter for life.
I’ll never be able to pull anything off and should just give up now.
I will always be alone.
It’s too late.
~ EPW 🙂
.-= Elizabeth Potts Weinstein´s last blog ..At the End of My Thirty-Fifth Year =-.
btw, now the voice is saying – “all those people in the comments say they feel old but you don’t think you feel old. so, you must be very egotistical to think you don’t look or feel old and as such this is another thing that is wrong with you.” <– lmao
.-= Elizabeth Potts Weinstein´s last blog ..At the End of My Thirty-Fifth Year =-.
Hey, Josh,
I’m calling my mind Brenda and we have a good respect for each other. I let her be, she lets me be. Sure, she’s way more limited than my soul, Brendan, but her role is to make sure I’m surviving, so, just like a good dog, barks at stupid signals. Just in case..
What Brenda says to me:
1. You’re getting old, better do something with your life to make more money and be able to take better care of yourself: for goodness sake, Llyane, you’re in the business of selling yourself, who the hell is going to look at someone who doesn’t have regular facials?
* You look so much younger than your age, you have good genes, thanks, mom!
2. You don’t have the genes for a good mother and partner, so get a dog so that you’re not lonely for the rest of your life
* You are the best mother and daughter in the world, people would be lucky to have you in your life
3. You wasted your time doing every other profession under the sun, because you didn’t have the guts to tell your dad that you want to be on the stage; now you have to really push your ass to make it big fast, because he’s watching and he’ll prove you wrong
* No, Llyane, you are blessed because you have all those experiences and skills that now can be used in your acting business
** Yes, you wasted your time!
*** No!
That’s all that comes to mind, but my Brenda is no more original than everybody else’s. Bad, Brenda! 🙂
How do I put my pic in your blog?
Great post/experiment Josh!
Here are a few of my crazy thought loops:
*I’m going to get really sick and I’m going to die before I accomplish anything
*I’m never going to earn enough money. I’m going to be broke for the rest of my life.
*Nobody loves me/understands me
*Everyone in my life will hurt me
*What do I really have to offer the world??
*I’m not qualified to be an “expert” about anything
*My dreams are impossible to reach
*I’m not smart enough
Ouch. Rough. Thx for the great lesson here.
I’m back!!!
My pores aren’t small enough. My legs aren’t thin enough. My teeth aren’t white enough. My mind isn’t centered enough. I should be more like the Dog Whisperer. OMG I’m not controlling my impulses. OMG I’m not following my impulses. OMG my dog can sense that my energy is fragmented. OMG my friends can sense that I am not a pack leader. OMG. I should go tanning. Wait – tanning is bad. I should spray tan. Wait – spray tanning would make me look orange. I should be a better daughter. I should be a more efficient worker. I should get back in touch with my voice instructor from NYU. No, I shouldn’t. He probably thinks I’m an asshole. No, I should. He probably thinks I’m one of the most talented voices of my generation. OMG I’m so egomaniacal. OMG I should go re-read The Four Agreements. OMG.
“Most of the bad news that’s going on – is just repetitive thought loops – and when I come back to what’s actually in front of me, there’s alot to be THANKFUL for.”
This really simmered / sizzled with me, and it’s true. When we focus on “the Bad news,” we get into this downward spiral.
So my “repeat loops” are:
I’m not good enough.
I’ll never “make it.”
I suck.
And this really makes me hate myself, which is a vicious circle.
Bringing myself “Back” to the present moment, seeing what’s in front of, feeling the sensations in my body, breathing it all in and realizing how everything MOVES and changes moment to moment… I feel better. I feel alive and positive and full of possibility. I’m BACK! I’m here! And I dig it! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh wow Josh, good post!
My thought loops are:
What am I doing?
I will always be alone.
What am I doing?
I am tired.
Should I really go to CI and embarrass myself?
I suck.
That pretty much sums it up.
Awesome post man. And thanks to all the commenters for bringing their loops out of the shadows and into the light. I feel a little less unique – in a really good way!
Sample loops of mine…
I’ve wasted my life.
I’m lazy and irresponsible.
I’m a fake, fraud, phony.
No one understands me or ever will.
I’m going to run out of money and lose everything.
Who am I kidding – I’m useless.
& a Happy Thanksgiving
This is starting to sound repetitive…
1. Nobody likes/understands me
2. I’ll never be successful at this
3. I’m not actually funny
4. My friends aren’t my real friends
5. I started too late at this
6. I’m usually full of shit
7. Everybody can see what a fraud I am
8. I’m going to die alone and unloved
9. ….
actually, at this point I’m looking at the above list and realizing how ridiculous it is.
Thanks, Josh!
This is awesome. If we all suck, then how come the world hasn’t come to an end? Why do people love us? Go figure. 😉 Here are my usual suspects:
– I need to be a size 2 to be attractive
– I’m getting old and my face is starting to sag!
– Who am I kidding, no one really likes what I have to say
– I’m a horrible mother and my son will grow up to hate me
– I am irresponsible with my money
– I never follow through on anything
– It’s too late
My list is SOOOO original!! 🙂
Release The Mind Beast!
My legs are too thick and should be smaller.
Bonus thought: If they were – life would be perfect.
I suck at managing money.
There’s never enough money to pay bills and do the things I like. (Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire Big Time On That One)
I should be better at _______ by now.
I’m too loving, too goofy, or just generally too much and I need to tone it down.
I’m plain and boring. (Paradox Much?)
I’ll never be successful like ______. So just give up already. Why even try?
Who are you to think you have anything worthy to say?
.-= Linda Eaves´s last blog ..My Birthday Is Tomorrow & You Get the Gifts! =-.
Ha! I made a habit of writing down all these things as they pop up while I’m writing content. Here they are:
-I’m doing it all wrong
-Who the fuck am I to be teaching anyone anything?
-The things I’m wanting to teach are common sense and people will laugh at you if you sell them something they already know
-I’m doing it wrong… Wait I already wrote that, ha! Now I’m doing THIS wrong! Jk jk
-I’m going to fail
Oh, Josh. My bad news scenarios play out like a horrible Pandora playlist a whole freaking lot lately, and they’re ridiculous.
– I’m never going to be good enough to do the things I really want to do.
– I’m too much of a coward to live the life I want.
– It’s all too late for me and my life is going to be a bummer forever, because I missed my mythical chance.
– My appearance is terrible for reasons x,y, and z.
– I’m utterly unlovable.
– I’m never going to fail because I’m too afraid to try (an extension of the second one).
– Anyone who’s ever respected me stopped a long time ago.
– I’m a joke and a failure.
– I’m condemned to my survival job forever.
– No one will ever trust me to teach them.
And the scariest baddest news scenario: I’ll be left totally alone bereft of friends family and loved ones.
Most of these are improbable if not impossible. What catastrophe!
okay this is genius
i have such peace & gratitude reading my thoughts in everyone elses’s comments!
i guess i am not the only fat ugly washed up never gonna work again sucked at my last job don’t ever do enough in a day bad mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend???
i guess i will have to be the first one with really bad hair. i went to a new hair person & as much as everyone else likes it, i still don’t and it so tempts me to loop on it
so i made a gratitude tree to get my mind off it:
happy thanksgiving all
I am not booking. I am not booking. I am not booking.
My mind is on red alert about this.
Hey Josh! Great Post… here it goes….
I can’t do videos. I just don’t look right on video. Everyone else does video and they look great. I can’t do them and not do them well, so I just won’t do them. I’ll just do powerpoint, I mean, I can narrate those right? No, you have do to video. Okay, maybe I’ll get my hair colored before I start filming, maybe that will make me look better. No, wait, my mouth is crooked too, videos still won’t work. And besides, you can’t do it anyways no matter what you change, because you suck 😉
Love to you and Marie!
Wow, so interesting… Crazy to think my loop is shared by others too, and yet so not surprising.
Bad news…
“Im not talented enough
Im getting old
I should be more productive, I should have been more productive earlier in life.
I should learn another language, why have I not done that yet? ”
About three years ago, I decided that every time I had a “bad news thought” I would do my very best to switch it to the positive. So instead of thinking “Im not talented enough” … Id stop that thought and replace it with “I am more than enough, I am talented.” Id say the positive phrase a few more times, to out-weigh the bad.
I find that “coming BACK” in combo with my reverse “bad news” into the positive, increases my gratitude for life itself.
Thanks for the great reminder, Josh.
Happy Thanksgiving! Stop thinking! 🙂
1: No one understands me or even cares to try.
2: I’m way too skinny and ugly to be a leading me but too tall to be the funny sidekick.
3: I’m not even funny.
4: I let my life spiral out of control.
5: I’m too unorganized to succeed.
6: My life is amounting to nothing.
and by “leading me” I mean “leading man.”
7: I can’t even type properly.
Thank you all for sharing your loops. I feel much less alone, even though
I fear it’s impossible for me to make a living doing what I love,
I need to lose five pounds to fit into all my clothes properly,
my house is never clean enough,
and I’m not disciplined enough to be successful at what I really want to do.
I’m ready to stop spending more time thinking about doing things than actually doing them.
more DOING, less THINKING.
My life sucks…
I don work out enough,
I’m almost broke,
My life sucks…
I dont work out enough,
I dont eat enough,
Im almot broke,
In debt,
I feel disorganized,
I feel like a weak, pathetic loser,
I dont care enough about things that are supposed to matter,
I always start things and never finish them,
I have experienced failure more times than Ive experienced success,
It always seems I fall one foot short of my goal,
Bla bla bla…
🙂 Wow that was fun… I kinda feel relieved!!
love this post… thanks josh for this…
you gained weight
you’re not good enough
you’re not working enough
you’re not known enough
you’re not that young anymore
you should be further along
okay, here goes:
I’m not pretty enough.
My stomach isn’t flat enough.
I’m utterly average/ mediocre.
I don’t have anything interesting to say.
I’m being selfish.
I’m not actually intelligent/ talented.
“they” don’t like me.
I’m a cliche.
There is something fundamentally wrong with me.
I’m never going to support myself by doing something I find fulfilling.
I’m getting old.
You are too old, and conversely not old enough. There is no point trying to get acting work until your hair turns all gray. And why are you wearing a sunscreen and a baseball cap? You will need those wrinkles if you want those Ruth Gordon parts. Try again when you’re on social security.
.-= Joan´s last blog ..You May Not Like This =-.
and exactly what i needed to read right now!
1. im getting old/im too old
2. ill never be a successful actress/i started acting too late
3. ill never be out of debt/ill never have enough money to buy the things i want
4. when the heck will i have the time for the baby i want one day
5. im not talented enough/not funny enough/not committed enough
6. im not doing enough for my blog/other fashion blogs are so much better
yay…lucky # 7!
1. You’re not creative enough to come up with entertaining answers for this survey
2. Hey moron, nice job on comment number 1.
3. You’re not funny enough
4. Today’s the day that the funny will run out
5. You should have worked harder
6. You should have worked out today
7. You should be worrying about money
8. Definitely feel guilty about everything, because it’s most likely your fault in some way
9. People won’t take you seriously
10. Your best days are behind you
11. Nice boobs
.-= Damien´s last blog ..HAPPY THANKSGIVING =-.
Great timing, I actually wrote down all the things that were giving me agita earlier so I could cross them out and write BULLSH** over them like Marie taught us at RHH Live…holler!
Here’s my negative sh*t list:
I’m so good at the faking it part of fake it til you make it, when am I gonna start making it?
Health and fitness is so saturated, how will I set myself apart?
btw FB and Twitter about 1500 people are following me, how come only 5-10 “like” my stuff and leave comments?!
I love my body BUT I have dumps like a truck…what? what?
So glad I’m not alone with this one..
I should have a better paying job by now
I need to look for a better paying job
I need to get back to the gym
I need to work out more often
Then I realize I do exercise, and I feel great about myself afterwards.
You know . . . I really don’t have any bad news! Maybe it’s cause I’m older (probably much older). I just don’t allow myself to go down that path. Use to — not any more. Should I lose weight? Yep, about 10 lbs. Should I wish to be younger? Possibly, but I wouldn’t want to go through those stages again for anything! I’m just thankful — for everything — and every glorious new day! I thank God every day for giving me such wonderful blessings!
I’m addicted to sleep and lazy
My loops go something like this:
I am going to work in a bar forever.
I’ve never going to make a living doing what I want to be doing.
There can’t possibly be enough room in this world for everyone to be successful so I guess I’m one of the ones who won’t be.
I can’t eat what I want without working out a lot (true I think).
When will I ever have time/money to have a baby?
I’ll never have enough money for travelling the world like I want to do.
I’m getting old.
I think that about does it. sounds pretty horrible! now off to my bartending gig. I’ll be there forever so you know where to find me.
I’m too skinny, I gotta hit the gym, I’m not hitting the gym enough.
I’m awesome in class and when mucking around with scenes, but as soon as theirs something to gain, in an audition, I rip myself off and I’m not free. And i’ll never be able to be free in auditions.
I’m gonna be alone. My love life sucks. I’m not brave enough.
I’m not putting myself out there enough.
I’m not gonna be able to pay the bills this month.
I’m not gonna be able to see my family for a long time.
i’m not gonna be able to stop worrying and be free
haha! that feels good!
OMG, this is my favorite thing to do! Beat myself up on how many things are wrong with me!
1) If I was better looking, women would hit on me like they hit on other guys I know
2) Am I really as good as I think I am as a DJ, because if I was, I would be getting more gigs
3) Everyone heard me stumble over that word over the air
4) That was a horrible mix, I don’t care the crowd kept dancing, they are idiots, they should have walked off the floor
5) He’s probably busy, so I’m not going to approach him about that gig (or radio position)
6) Oh, god, she just looked at me… she couldn’t really be looking at me… let me look behind me to see who she is really looking at
7) I hate my voice, I don’t have that big, creamy voice all the Classic Soul DJs have, that’s why I’m not getting that job
8) If I could just lose 45 pounds and get rid of my stomach, women would talk to me without me even trying
9) I don’t want to die alone
10) I can’t keep living to the edge of my money
11) How do my clothes look? Do I really look like that? This is a good mirror, that makes me look good, I hate the mirror at the gym
12) But how do I SOUND? I don’t care about what I say, do I sound good?
13) I need to put on my contacts and stop hiding behind my glasses
14) I need to put my glasses on, I feel like a caveman with my contacts on
15) Why am I not getting any compliments on my cologne?
16) Why do I feel like everyone just moved away from me in the club?
I really could keep going, but I’ve been working on myself for the past 5 years trying to change my self-talk. It is really a process, but the best thing about listing all these things is NONE OF IT IS TRUE! Or not completely true… but I have an opposite answer for every quote that is positive and pushes me forward.